A New Deal for an Effective European Research Policy

eBook - The Design and Impacts of the 7th Framework Programme

Dratwa, Jim/Sloan, Brian/Vanslembrouck, Sandrijn et al
Erschienen am 06.05.2007, Auflage: 1/2007
62,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402055515
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 289 S., 3.78 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book argues that a New Deal for research in Europe is needed. This New Deal would involve the mobilisation of policy actors across all levels-regional, national and European-and their commitment to develop a more effective research system based on actions where they have the greatest impact.

The book presents, from a viewpoint inside the European Commission, the nuts and bolts of how EU research policy is actually designed. It also provides a comprehensive analysis, on the basis of factual evidence, not only of the positive impacts of European research, but of the various criticisms that have been made of the Framework Programme.


Preface by Commissioner for Research and Science Janez Potocnik.- Introduction.- Challenges to the European Exception: What Can S&T Do?.- Europe: Turning from a Positive into a Negative Exception.- Great Expectations of S&T as regards Tackling the Multitude of Challenges.- The Role that S&T Can Play.- Are Expectations Too High? Weaknesses of Europes S&T System.- Insufficient Investment in R&D.- An Inefficient System of Research Governance in Europe.- The Problem of Coordinating Policies.- S&T and the Public: The Triple Paradox.- Opening the Window of Opportunity: The New Policy Context.- The Lisbon European Council: Putting Knowledge at the Centre.- Investing More and Better in Research.- Evidence-Based Policy-Making.-The Lack of Progress since the Year 2000.- Explaining the Lack of Progress .- A New Policy Context.- Building on Experience: Learning Lessons from Past Framework Programmes.- Evaluating the Framework Programme is not Easy.- Collaborative Research and its Impacts.- The Impact of the Framework Programme on Human Resources.- The Impact of the Framework Programme on Research Infrastructures.- The Framework Programme and Intergovernmental Cooperation at the Programme Level.- Assessing the Wider Impacts of the Framework Programme.- Engaging Stakeholders for Better Policy-Making .- Consultative Mechanisms at Community Level.- Stakeholders Involvement in the Development of the 7th Framework Programme.- A Stronger and Bigger Programme than Ever Before.- Ensuring Accessibility for All.- Fundamental and Applied Research: How Should They Coexist?.- Excellence vs. Cohesion: Is Efficiency Compatible with Solidarity?.- European Added Value, Option Analysis, and the Commission's Proposal for the 7th Framework Programme.- Considering European Added Value.- Analysing Options.- A Short Outline of the Commission's 7th Framework Programme Proposal .- From Proposals to Commitments: The 7thFramework Programme and the European Decision-Making Process.- Decision Making in the Field of Research Policy.- Research Policy and the Lack of Resources: The Negotiations on the Financial Perspectives and the Budget for EU Research.- The Response from Decision Makers to the New Policy Design: The Negotiations on the 7th Framework Programme.- Conclusion and Perspectives.- The 7th Framework Programme and a New Deal for an Effective European Research Policy.- The Design of the 7th Framework Programme.- The 7th Framework Programme.- Perspectives Beyond the 7th Framework Progrmme towards a New Deal for an Effective European Research Policy.- List of Tables and Graphs.- list of Abbreviations.- Glossary.- Bibliography.- Index.

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