Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork


Erschienen am 02.06.2022, Auflage: 1/2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547036678
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 137 S., 3.29 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This brilliant work by English writer on crafts and furniture, John Hungerford Pollen (18201902), is an interesting study of ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. He carefully reviews them and carries us back to the days in which these pieces of artistic furniture were made. This work makes the reader familiar to the taste and techniques, the habits and the needs, of those olden ages which eventually leads to a comparison between the furniture and woodwork of that era and the modern times. Contents include: Furniture Ancient and Modern Antique: Egypt, Nineveh and Greece The Romans Byzantine Art The Middle Ages The Fifteenth Century The Renaissance in Italy Renaissance in England, Flanders, France, Germany, and Spain Tudor and Stuart Styles Furniture of the Eighteenth Century Changes of Taste and Style Appendix: Names of the Designers of Woodwork and Makers of Furniture


John Hungerford Pollen (18201902) was an English writer, artist, and designer known for his contributions to the Arts and Crafts Movement and for his authoritative work on furniture and woodwork. His scholarly text 'Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork' serves as a seminal reference point for those interested in the historical development and design elements of furniture. With an astute eye for detail and an encyclopedic knowledge of stylistic variations, Pollen's work provided not only a catalogue of designs but also contextually situated them chronologically, highlighting the rich interplay between form, function, and craftsmanship throughout history. Pollen's expertise in ecclesiastical art and his work with the South Kensington Museum, now the Victoria and Albert Museum, solidified his credentials as a scholar in the decorative arts (Bilbey& Trusted, 2002). His writings exhibit meticulous research and articulate a vision for the synergy of beauty and utility, a hallmark of Arts and Crafts ideology. Pollen's literary style weaves historical narrative with practical analysis, earning him a place among the respected art and design historians of his era.

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